
Finding What You Want With Your Home Business

by: Jennifer Schilling
Do you know what you really want to do for your job?
Some people dream about starting their own business and know what type of business they want to create immediately. Then there are the rest of us... 
Knowing we want to have a business is only the first step in starting. Many of us then struggle deciding the type of business we would like to start. We might brain storm the Internet for ideas but no idea seems to be what we really want. Does this sound like something you have gone through at least once in your life? 
Actually liking the type of business you choose is the key to success with your home based business venture. Be sure to pick a home business that you'll enjoy waking up for every morning and can't wait to come back to day after day. Don't pick something which you might have trouble being motivated to keep on doing in the future. 
Here are a few ideas which can ease the process in the beginning of starting your home based business. 
From selling e-books on the Internet, to making soaps for sale at various specialty stores or boutiques, profits are out there to be made by filing the NEED for a specific NICHE. You can literally choose from hundreds of lucrative home business ideas for every type of personality and start up costs desired. 
One simple type of business to start is a Franchise based business. Franchises offer a solid money making business which has already been established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area. 
Franchises usually are a simple pre-packaged money making ideas, but usually call for large start up costs. Many franchises such as McDonalds charge over a million dollars to get in the door. With those type of large start up costs, very few people have that type of money to start their own company. 
Once you have agreed to all of the franchise guidelines, you must follow many different rules and regulations set out by the franchised company prohibiting you from branching out on your own. 
For those who want to branch out on their own, you might want to start a home based business which is already a hobby you enjoy. For example, if you are a fitness guru, a home training consultant service just might be the ideal home business for you to start. 
Perhaps traveling is your passion and you'd like to start your own home based traveling service or travel agency. Take something that might be a hobby for you and turn that into a creative home based business. Both of the above examples can be successfully run from the comfort of your own home. 
When brainstorming new ideas for your future home business, keep in mind any successful endeavor must provide a product or service that others will actually purchase and keep coming back for more. Your home based business will be well on its way to success by satisfying the needs of your target market. 
Here are some suggestions for home business ideas that might help you decide on a suitable home based business.
1. Turn your hobby in a lucrative business.
2. Use open markets and flea markets to sell your goods.
3. Sell your crafts and jewelry, soaps or gift baskets.
4. Provide a delivery service for laundry or groceries.
5. Provide a dog walking and kennel vacation service.
6. Pet grooming service and dog sitting.
7. Provide a shuttle service for non-drivers.
8. Creative a service or company for your neighborhood or community.
9. Join a multi-level marketing business.
10. Floral services for hospitals.
11. Vending machine service.
12. Selling video game machines.
13. Making gift baskets for special occasions.
14. Windshield repair service.
15. Business card designer.
16. Website design services.
17. Web hosting services.
18. Pool cleaning service.
19. Translator/typing service for documents.
20. Interior designer and decorator.
21. Gourmet catering service.
22. Cosmetic consultant.
23. Extreme sports enthusiast.
24. Personal fitness trainer.
25. Travel guide.
26. Dating/companion service.
27. Affiliate program marketer.
28. Disaster relief forum.
And the list goes on.... 
Any home based business has the potential to explode into a profitable business. The demand for your home business niche determines whether or not your business will be slow and steady or heavy hit with clients. 
Whether or not your business is slow or thriving, you will have to make the necessary choices in order to keep up with the demand. Make sure you enlist the necessary tools to make your business a profitable one as well as one that keeps you coming back for more day after day.
Best of luck with your new endeavors! 
About the author:
This article was written by Jennifer Schilling, founder of http://www.thinkingfaster.com
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Fallacies Regarding Online Home Based Businesses

by: Kirk Bannerman
In the course of my home business coaching activities, I have often found that people head into the startup of their online home based businesses with a wildly unrealistic mindset. Many have been told that they can sign up for a few programs, build a website around them, add a bunch of banners and links onto their site, then sit back and watch the money roll in and never have to work again. 
There is a misconception that you can come online and set up an Internet based business and be making big money within a few days. This is absolute hogwash and it has not been my experience
nor the experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online business activities.
The harsh reality is that there are more people who fail at their home businesses than there are people who actually succeed. 
Newcomers to the world of online home based business are not usually aware that they may actually have to work harder at their home businesses than they did at their traditional jobs. They are
typically not aware of the many hours of marketing time that they will need to put in to be successful. 
Many people that are new to online marketing also make the mistake of thinking that a single marketing strategy will suffice. Naturally, some avenues will produce better results than others, but I have found the best course of action is to adopt a broad based approach to your online marketing by
spreading your time and resources over several different methods. 
If you are new to Internet marketing, you might be well advised to take a course to find out what is required of you to be successful in an online business. It does not matter what type of business you are starting, if it is online, it must be marketed online, and possibly offline as well. It always amazes me how frequently people that start an online home based business actually believe that they can get rich by doing absolutely nothing, or at least with very little effort. 
These are otherwise intelligent people. Why would they believe this? My conclusion is that they believe because they want to believe. They believe because they see claims to this effect
everyday and everywhere on the Internet. They are told that it is possible. They not only want to believe it, for their own reasons, but they need to believe it. 
In my opinion, you need to give yourself at least a year to make an online business get some traction and start to generate some meaningful income. The proper mindset is to think long term, not instant gratification. I am always surprised at the number of people who drop out of their online home based business after the first month or two. I ask myself, what do they expect, miracles? You probably wouldn't bail out of offline business after a month so why would you expect an online business to be any different? 
Aside from the fallacy of instant riches without any effort, the expectation of a free ride is a frequent misconception of many that think they want to start an online home based business.
If you're afraid, or unwilling, to invest a little money to start your own business...you are not looking at a home based business...you are looking at a work at home job. If you want to make money online, you must also be willing to invest in yourself. It's as plain and simple as that. 
About the author:
Kirk Bannerman operates his own successful home based business and also coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. For more information visit his website at http://www.business-at-home.us
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